Saturday, July 17, 2010

! Barrel Monster Gets The Girl !

I was in Raleigh North Cakalaki the other week... for two BIG Great Events...
1) The Kirby Derby ...
* HellaFUN *... &
2) The Barry's II -
Bedbugs and Ballyhoo!!! Reunion...

& as I was coming into town... lo & behold... I saw that the Barrel Monster now has a GIRLFRIEND!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

basel vernissage :: sigh ::

Invited to the Basel Vernissage.... & can't make it...
maybe next Summer...

Monday, June 1, 2009


* Raleigh, North Carolina
is Cooler than DC *

... but am I surprised...? No.

witness the BARREL MONSTER !!!

is this not the coolest thing you've seen since... hmmm...
thinking.... thinking... t_h_i_n_k_i_n_g...
gawd DC is F*ing boring!
for more Raleighwood, North Cakalaki coolness check out
the Angry Man, by the same artist - who tags himself as
"you live and you burn".

have you noticed lately that all of a sudden
IRVINE CONTEMPORARY is DC's "street art" headquarters...?
does anyone other than me see that as an odd pairing?
in my opinion the Sheps & Daleks are sort of Lord & Tayloring
themselves by showing at Irvine. don't get me wrong,
i'm glad Irvine is in DC! they show some pretty awesome art, and
definitely take the gallery scene up a notch... but Irvine & street art?
what do you think EAGLE?

Raleigh has a great First Friday, gallery walk...
check it out... make a road trip of it...
NYC was *last weekend*... do something *different* for a change!
ROAD triiiiiiip !

Thursday, January 15, 2009

DC Gold - 2009

The 2009 Edition - will be online Feb. 1 ...
So, start sending us your pictures, articles, art event info, etc.

- Shepard Fairey Style - The Face of Obamamania

- New Medium - Is Painting Dead (again) ?
- New New New - New art galleries ... Hot new emerging artists to watch... New soft drinks... New kicks ... New British Boyfriend...
- Green Washing - 2009 Style
- Road Trip, Plane Trip, Get outta town / Stay in town...
- Social Studies 101, with Ms. Nance
- Inauguration Libations - The Ugly File

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hey ! Look!

Now you can subscribe to DC Gold, and get email updates to what's goin' on! This way you won't miss that last minute post noting where the hot hot art opening or gallery party is!
It happens to me all the time... I check my fav blog & ... "uhhh man!
I missed it! ... uhhh ... pffff...damn!"
So, go over to that little box on the right & hook yourself up =)

Saturday, April 5, 2008


1) DC...

Heidi Taillefer

Muses and Heroes
April 5 - May 10
Opening Reception with the Artist:

Saturday, April 5
6 - 8 PM
@ Irvine Contemporary
1412 14th Street, NW

Check out Heidi’s awesome website, which showcases her mystical paintings…

Her work is completely wack, I love it, and you will too.

2) DC...

Pepa Leon
April 5 - May 3
Opening reception: Saturday, April 5
6:30 - 9 pm
@ Reyes + Davis Independent Exhibitions 923 F Street, NW #302

I've only seen Pepa's work online, so I'm eager to see the paintings up close & personal...
Pepa's recent work is rich in color, and all the good stuff I associate with Spring...
And, Gawd, I LOVE Spring!

--- ORRRRrrrr ---- If you DID happen to catch that DC2NY Bus to the Big Fruit (!), here's where I'd wanna be this evening...

3) Crooklyn...

Get Drunk n Dance

It's some hip chick named Kelsey's birthday! We've never met her, but she's giving you free absinthe to celebrate! That's some BFF-in-the-making action right there!!!


So...Ladies and Gentlemen of NYC (or those of you that were smart & caught the DC2NY!), get ready to get get DRUNK 'N DANCE! On April 5th, Galapagos and Charlotte of Luxe Presents is throwing the sickest party in Brooklyn. At this birthday blowout, the booze will be flowing hard and the dancing even harder from 10pm until 4 in the morning. Headlining is B$ and E-Six of Chicago's insane Dance Party Magic. With a celebrity of Williamsburg

himself, DJ Sexxxual Chocolate from Royal Oak bar. Don't miss out on DJ Morsy and Reverend McFly who will provide some serious hip-hop knockouts. Hailing from the Midwest and opening the night up is MR. HURT, two Ohio guys who know how to throw down.

Tentative Schedule:
10-11— MR HURT (NYC)
11-12—Reverend McFly (NYC)
12-1—DJ Morsy (NYC)
1-2:30—DJ Sexxxual Chocolate (NYC)
2:30-4—B$ (Chi) and E-Six (Chi)

$5 at the door (again.... THIS is why I LOVE NY !!!)
Galapagos Art Space-- in the BACK ROOM

--- ORRRRrrrr ---- If you DIDN'T catch that DC2NY Bus to the Big Fruit (!), here's where I'd wanna be in DC! this evening...

4) DC's version of Crooklyn...

Dive & Lie Wrecked @
Jimmy Valentines Lonely Hearts Club

1103 Bladensburg Road, NE (Wash, DC)
How Much? - *Free*
Music? - Tech House, Breakbeat, Drum & Bass, Dubstep.
Guests Aligning Minds
Soundsystem - Stunning. Thunderous bass. Crisp fidelity
See you there!